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Before being elected to Senate, Markey served as the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources. Markey fought to ensure American taxpayers received a fair return on oil, gas and other minerals produced from public lands onshore and offshore. He pushed to reduce the federal deficit by recovering up to $53 billion dollars in lost royalty payments from oil companies who are drilling for free in the Gulf of Mexico. Markey also worked to promote clean renewable energy development on public lands while protecting our environment. He also fought to protect our nation’s most important natural treasures such as Georges Bank off the coast of New England and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as well as to fully fund our nation’s best idea, the National Parks System. Markey also introduced legislation to implement of the recommendations of the BP Oil Spill Commission. In the Senate, Markey will continue fighting to create clean energy jobs, combat climate change and to protect our environment and wildlife.

-Senator Markey has consistently played a critical role in the oversight of Arctic Oil and Gas Drilling. Click here to read more.