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June 2013
Markey Hails SCOTUS DOMA Defeat, Return of Marriage Equality in California
Markey: Obama’s Nuclear Weapon Reduction Goal Gets Closer to Nuclear Free Future
Markey Statement on New Federal Spectrum Policy
Markey: Did Exxon Use Unapproved Response Plan in Arkansas Spill?
Markey: DOI’s IG Report on Powder River Basin Shows Reforms Still Needed
Markey: With Carbon Emissions Up Globally, Action Needed to Battle Climate Change
Markey Statement on Passing of Gov. Paul Cellucci
Markey Hails San Onofre Closure As Win for Safety, Oversight
Markey, Original House Author of the E-Rate Program, Praises New Obama Initiative Improving Broadband for Students
Markey: Rules of Road Needed for Wall Street’s High Speed Trading
Markey, Grimm, Who Led Effort in Congress to Keep Knives Off Passenger Planes, Praise TSA Reversal on Knife Policy
Markey Legislation Would Get BPA Out of Cans, Containers, Children
Markey: Offshore Wind Competition Begins in New England
Markey Statement on the Passing of Senator Frank Lautenberg
May 2013
Markey Introduces New Compounding Pharmacy Legislation
Markey, Grimm: 145 Members of Congress Lead Bi-Partisan Effort Opposing Knives on Planes
Markey, Waxman Report Highlights Gaps in Grid Security
Markey Says DOJ Should Appeal BP Trial Judge's Decision to Throw Out Obstruction of Congress Charge
Markey: Debate Still Needed on Scale of LNG Exports
Markey Introduces Bill to Stop Energy Department’s Radioactive Recycling Program