WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce and Resources Committees, sent a letter to the Secretary of the Department of Interior asking him to explain Interior’s unwillingness to press oil companies like Chevron for the royalties they owe the American taxpayer for drilling on federal lands.  Below is a brief statement from Rep. Markey, and his letter to Interior Secretary Kempthorne can be found here: Letter - to Sec Kempthorne Re Chevron Underpayment of Royalties.pdf

Rep. Markey said, "American taxpayers are losing patience as the Bush Administration continues to give VIP treatment to big oil.  Big oil has made a mint since the Bush Administration and their Republicans in Congress have been in charge.  It is long past time for the Bush Department of Interior to explain its preferential treatment for big oil and clamp down on oil companies which are lining their pockets at the expense of taxpayers."

October 31, 2006

CONTACT: Israel Klein