WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA), a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce and Homeland Security Committees, released the following statement reinforcing Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s request that only U.S. crews be used on tankers transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) into Massachusetts’ ports.  Rep. Markey, who is the senior member of the Bay State Congressional delegation, represents Everett, MA, which is the state’s sole operating LNG terminal and had led the fight to upgrade security at this facility and others around the nation.

“I understand that both competing companies have committed to Governor Patrick's request that U.S. crews be used on LNG tankers coming to ports in the U.S,” Markey stated. 

Rep. Markey continued, “While tougher screening and security measures were put in place for these vessels following 9-11, I do believe that use of U.S. crews would help increase confidence in the safety and security of LNG shipments into the Commonwealth.  In the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks we found out those LNG tankers docking at the Everett terminal had been used to smuggle aliens into the U.S. and that one of them was later implicated in the Millennium bombing plot.”

Below is the release from Gov. Patrick’s office:

BOSTON – Tuesday, February 6, 2007 – Governor Deval Patrick, citing the need for heightened security, is urging federal authorities to require U.S.-trained and certified crews on LNG tankers operating in Massachusetts waters.

“The safe and secure transportation of liquefied natural gas is critical to the well-being of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The use of U.S. citizen crews will help to accomplish this critical obligation,” Governor Patrick said in a letter dated Feb. 5 to Maritime Administrator Sean T. Connaughton of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Connaughton is expected to act this week on the deepwater port license application of Excelerate Energy of Texas, one of two companies planning to operate offshore LNG loading facilities 10 miles off Gloucester. A deepwater port license for Suez Energy North America was approved last week.

“The safety and security of LNG transportation is a serious issue which deserves serious attention,” Governor Patrick said. “I appreciate your efforts to secure commitments from Suez and Excelerate Energy to utilize U.S. citizen crews on LNG vessels coming into Massachusetts. The use of U.S. citizen crewmembers on these vessels will help to best serve the Commonwealth.”

U.S. merchant mariners, including graduates of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, receive extensive instruction and training and are subject to background checks by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Coast Guard. Governor Patrick said crews made up of mariners who are licensed and certified by the Coast Guard are “highly trained professionals best qualified to command and operate vessels and, therefore, safeguard U.S. citizens.”

Governor Patrick is one of several Massachusetts officials supporting the need for U.S. crews on the LNG tankers. Also supporting the requirement are Congressmen Stephen Lynch and William Delahunt and Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, along with several state legislators.

February 6, 2007

CONTACT: Israel Klein