Senator is co-sponsor of legislation that would rescind Trump’s executive order that targets law-abiding undocumented immigrants for deportation

Boston (February 21, 2017) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement today after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released new guidelines on enforcing President Donald Trump’s executive order titled, “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States.”

“With these new guidelines, President Trump wants DHS to stand for Department of Hate and Suspicion,” said Senator Markey. “These Homeland Security directives will result in more raids, mass deportations, and fear and terror within our immigrant communities. Tearing apart families and targeting hard-working immigrants is un-American.  These directives will only have a chilling effect on communities throughout Massachusetts and the nation, causing immigrants to recede further into the shadows. With these guidelines, President Trump shifts the focus from where it belongs -- undocumented immigrants who have committed serious crimes -- and instead turns his sights on all undocumented immigrants, wrongly turning them suspects in the same way he has sought to turn all Muslims into suspects with his unconstitutional refugee ban. President Trump should rescind this damaging executive order and commit to working with Congress on real comprehensive immigration reform.”