Senator was an original leader in effort to ban all U.S. nuclear tests


Boston (August 5, 2016) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, today praised President Obama’s effort to reinforce the global moratorium on nuclear weapons tests at the United Nations. North Korea’s fourth nuclear weapons test in January underscored the continued danger of nuclear proliferation, and served as a clear reminder of the vital leadership role that the United States must play in preventing additional countries from conducting nuclear tests.


Senator Markey also applauded President Obama for his continued support for U.S. ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which the United States signed in 1996. By ratifying the CTBT and strengthening the International Monitoring System that allows for the treaty’s verification, the United States would further reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear war.

Then-Congressman Markey co-authored a 1986 amendment that passed in the House of Representatives to establish a moratorium on all nuclear tests in excess of one kiloton, provided the Soviet Union observed similar limits. This legislation laid a vital foundation for the subsequent moratorium on all U.S. nuclear tests and for the negotiation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.


Below is a statement from Senator Markey:

“Nuclear weapons tests threaten our security and our environment. I commend President Obama for leading the international community to reinforce the global moratorium against testing. The U.S. Senate should join in this effort by voting to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to strengthen national security, boost the global nonproliferation regime, and reduce the risk of nuclear war.”

