WASHINGTON (March 3, 2012) – Following the announcement that a settlement was reached between BP and the lawyers for the families and businesses affected by the company’s 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Rep. Ed Markey, the leading Congressional investigator into the spill, issued the following statement:
“This is a victory for the people of the Gulf, and hopefully indicates BP’s willingness to accept financial responsibility for the rest of the penalties it owes for the Gulf spill. Billions more dollars are still outstanding for the U.S. laws broken and Gulf environment damaged by BP, and our government must not let the oil giant off with a slap on the wrist.
“BP has continued to fight the size of the spill to lessen its liability, which could cost taxpayers billions if BP succeeds. It's time to end the litigation and move on to settle damages for the worst environmental disaster in our nation's history.”
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