Senator was author of fuel economy standard update in 2007 energy bill
WASHINGTON (February 18, 2014) -- Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), who authored the fuel economy update for light-duty vehicles in the 2007 House energy bill, released the following statement regarding President Obama's announcement that he would increase mileage standards for the nation's medium and heavy-duty vehicles:
“These standards will give our biggest vehicles a smaller carbon footprint and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. When it comes to the twin generational challenges of climate change and foreign oil dependence, our nation must be in it for the long haul‎, and these standards make that kind of commitment.
“When combined with our new standards for the cars and trucks we all drive, these standards create a one-two punch against middle east oil dependence and global climate change. I commend President Obama and his administration for their continued action to protect our planet and promote job-creating policies in cleaner energy technologies.”